Mini Burger patties & pork cutlets grilled...
By Aly abaquin
Meet.... The Ban cha i hope got the name right???? .. Its mini burger patties and sliced pork cutlets grilled to perfection ALA BOBBY FLAY..... then soaked in a mixture of pickled carrots & green papaya.... giving you a mutiplicity of subtle flavors of .... salty soury sweet... then put on top of the rice noodle or wrap it around fresh lettuce, mint & other greeneries....then use the soaked mixture as dip... What not to love about the vietnamese cuisine....where crispy fresh herbs take part on how you can play around with your food...... wrapping it or rolling it... or just simply put on top the rice noodles ala bolognese minus the tomatoe sauce.....the charred grilled pork cutlets & mini burgers are good, more like meatballs on rice noodle...the sauce ofcourse give its flavor..and the grilling is the soul this food....
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