“Hang Rong” The Fish balls on Motorbike.
By Aly Abaquin
The “Xe Om” or Bike is the most popular transportation of choice for all Vietnamese.
The hundreds and hundreds of motorbike that ply the roads of Vietnam every single
day of the week.
You have to get use to it and once you master the courage of riding one.
You simply get the hang of it. Free at last like a bird spreading it wings or like
herd instincts in buffalos wherein once one move every one moves…either stepping
on the pedal or simply zoom in and out of the asphalt jungle of Saigon….
Now....Frame on this…...Zooming in the food on wheels of sorts.
Meet the Hang Rong boys… Harley Davidson selling Fish balls on motorbike or bike
for that matter..
Yup Louis you heard me right…. For only 5,000 vnd or...27Cents….
You can get the crispy fish balls, or the sausage on stick more like Hotdog on
Stick and other varieties …or order it with matching veggies the okra…...
The motorbike is equipped with a small stove & a condiments area too boot......
Vietnamese are entrepreneurial and creative in using their motorbike and for
this one to sell food on wheels….
I wonder if they could sell slices of pizza… hmmp…
Swell idea kiddo…... beats Pizza delivery ha….Saigon truly wonderfully
different…....... Vavavavavarooommmmmmmmmmmmm…….
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