Journey with stanley…
By : Aly Abaquin
Meet Stanley folks a paper stenciled drawing of a character soon to be famous as Barney or Elmo of sesame street. Yeah dream on aly or a short film on animation I might add in this hip and becoming place that is HCMC….okey dreaming of a full a production house on kids animation /slash black & white cybershot wannabe documentary of a tour of the poked chopsticks that Stanley of mine.
I got a feeling that today it would be great to test run this character that bought to life by a kid in Chicago… my friend Shiela Luna… dotingly emailed me & FBed (facebooked) me to tour him for her daughter’s Justine’s 3rd grade project….WOW I smell A++ here… she owe me big time now….
Which I happily abide. So what the heck. This smiley of a upwardly mobile necktied bearing Stanley chubby and cute will bring in something….that saigonites might forgot to do in their daily lives….
So here goes Stanley”s Misadventures…..first shot with the street vendor selling tofu drinks as I pop the first click I was appealingly different to be picturing snapshots of everyday life / every day people from all walks of life with a paper character…Spirited I went for more…
Truly remarkable shots I may add as the eyes & smiles are genuine friendly not photo-shop - adobe in this cellulite world to bring in color no blemishing of sorts but true blue reactions from the people that you might ignore when you walk downtown.
But now you know them as seconds you talk to them even for a snap shot no explaining here…. Just waving and for them to hold this freelancing Stanley around and hopefully bring in candid shots of the people.and taste of SAIGON…. Ms Kim would be in envy mind you as we paraded with glee to the next shoot…. No song of sun & moon here echoing in the street corners….looks likes happy days are here again kindda groove… jiddy at that…
Stanley in the military, Stanley with tourist, in City hall, Opera house, if only Stanley knew he has been watched by curious people mingling with me ….. memoirs of what this stick figure represents well…. apolitical , a-religious he just represents a real human
Touring life as it is made to be experienced…in his own yellow brick road….with matching Toto me.. laughing out loud…..
They never seen a paper like object touring the sights mind you.. Uniquely different or I was out of my mind as people did not ask nor question what he is for???? So Lets have fun with Stanley … He was well received by folks in the streets as well as tourist who can relate….and Kodak moments …that special moment caught on camera mind you…
HmmmmmmmmmH great as I continued to have fun myself.. as street vendors see that I was also enjoying the walk and meeting people is my thing… Just my up bringing mind you or is it my training as a Ads person /PR… . days really.
Or being in the hospitality biz…. Made it easier for me to navigate the touristy spots….
Getting the hang of it so after a half day with Stanley… you ponder people really welcome this sort of thing, never mind what its for but if you smiled and laugh with them along the way. It was no hustle really enjoyed a walk with Stanley that Saturday morning… so hope this project of Justine would grow into and ad campaign of sorts…. BUBBLE THOUGHT a Smile Ad- as it brought fun and laughter to me as well as it recipients. …..
People do have fun as I did. Oh well time to email shenglots & Justine
Of this journey….. As her project nears a deadline.. hoping she will get an A+ or a B- not bad though as it brought smiles that a grade point that a teacher would give does not even matter at all….:)
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